Moore Discipleship Missions is a 501 (c)3 created by Dr. Jonathan and Kim Moore with the specific intent to financially support (and personally participate) in efforts to teach the Gospel to the lost across the world. Whether on the college campus or on foreign soil, MDM was designed to expand the teaching of God’s word while fostering a lifelong faith in our Savior, Christ Jesus. Through MDM, the Moore’s created ‘Seeing His World’ as a vehicle to educate and equip Christians through immersive and interactive trips to the Lands of the Bible. Through these unforgettable journey’s to places like Istanbul, Ephesus, Rome, Jerusalem or Nazareth, the Bible becomes alive and faith can be built up through the study of archeology, apologetics and history.


Jonathan Moore

Dr. Jonathan Moore is a full-time physician with Masters degrees in Education and Bible as well as a Ph.D. in Old Testament works. Founder of 'Seeing the World Through His Eyes', Moore and his family have traveled extensively all over the world including Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and throughout the Mediterranean. Moore is an instructor for Bible Land Passages and teaches Old Testament/New Testament studies at Somerset Christian School through the University of the Cumberlands and adjunct faculty at FHU School of Theology. Jonathan and his wife, Kim, have three children: Gabrielle, Audrey, and Jonathan.